'It's for Your Info'

The OutLine: a new kind of publication for a new kind of human.

People have lost all perspective of what should or shouldn't be shared online/social networks. This Publication Is NOT FOR EVERYONE, IT’S FOR YOU.

Outline believe that the right story told in the right way can change someone's life.
But telling the right stories for right now — and telling them in a way that's meaningful and modern — isn't going to happen by itself. Outline coverage focuses on three topics that are increasingly converging in strange and important ways: power (who has it, who wants it, and what do they do when they get it?), culture (the way we live and communicate), and the future (where we’re going next).
'We have to make it happen.'— The OutLine!

The Outline

It's not for everyone. It's for you.
Explore OutLine stories. And remember: getting lost can be good.

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The world's first "supercomputers" weren't machines—they were women.
Like modern number-crunchers, these "kilo-girls" worked through complex problems. PopSci Curators.

Small Town Papers: 'They refuse to die'